1MARK Consumer Products, Inc.
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1. Can we become a dealer or distributor? Please call us at 800-811-8001 if you currently are a dealer or distributor of complimentary or similar type products.

2. Do you have any new products in development? We constantly experiment with new products. Check the "News" button from time to time.

3. We have an idea for a product, but we do not know how to take it to market. 1MARK Consumer Products can assist you in developing and marketing certain products. In addition, our sister company, Aerosprays, Inc., is a fully diversified contract filler/packager which can assist you in developing your product (800-887-8040 or info@aerosprays.com)

All text and artwork contained within this website and all of its parts is the exclusive property of, or is licensed by 1MARK Consumer Products, Inc., and cannot be reproduced, revised, or altered in any way, and no links to any pages or any part of this website are permitted without the prior express written consent of 1MARK Consumer Products, Inc. © 2005-2011 1MARK Consumer Products, Inc. All rights reserved.